Making God the most important

Hello, dears, I’m back!! (ok, so it wasn’t a couple weeks, but it was long enough. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Since I posted last, the Lord had really lated on my heart that making God the center, and trusting him in EVERYTHING is how you can live life to the fullest.

And this is one of those times when I’m not even saying this because it’s what a Christian girl should say; I’m saying it because it actually does help!ย 

When you choose that you are going to live a day for the Lord, come what may, you really, or at least it has been my experience to have complete peace about what you are doing. When God is front most in my mind, and I have already given my day to Him, my bad attitudes melt, and my insecurities suddenly don’t have a reason to exist.

I think deep down we all want to be “good Christians” and we forget that while it takes hard work and intentionality on our part, God’s mercies are new, and he WANTS to give us peace; all we have to do is except it.


I hope you all had a great day, and I hope you can stay warm!!

God bless!

Claire Rachel<3

8 thoughts on “Making God the most important

  1. gracefig

    I love this! It’s so true, making Christ the center of your life changes everything. I’ve lived both ways, with and without God. And there is so much peace, love, and hope when God is your focus!! I’m looking forward to reading future posts :).


  2. Olivia Bell (aka Livy)

    So true, this was a great post! ๐Ÿ˜€ Trusting God is so important, something I’m trying really hard to do more intentionally! ๐Ÿ™‚



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